Natural Mosquito, Flea, and Tick Spraying
2 Dates Available: July 15 and 20 (you do not have to be home)
ALWAYS mention "Glen Rock Group Rate" when calling or emailing.
Company Info
Company: Mosquito Joe
Phone: 973-435-0747
Email: [email protected]
Reviews: See what Glen Rock residents are saying about their experiences with Mosquito Joe
Phone: 973-435-0747
Email: [email protected]
Reviews: See what Glen Rock residents are saying about their experiences with Mosquito Joe
How It Works
- Mosquito Joe will verify your lot size using Google Maps.
- During each visit they will spend 20-40 minutes spraying.
- They will spray the bushes, trees, perimeters of the house, all doors, etc.
- You do not need to be home for your appointment.
- During the spaying you will have to close your windows, keep pets and people inside.
- After 30 minutes, the spray will have dried and life can go on as normal.
- If it recently rained or rain is expected your appointment will be moved.
- Spray is GARLIC BASED and 100% natural.
The ingredients break down:
garlic - 99.3%
citric acid - .5%
potassium sorbate - .2%
total 100.0%
Natural sprays do not kill mosquitoes and sprays are recommended every 2 weeks. The natural sprays create barriers that keep mosquitoes away. Why is this important? We need mosquitoes for our ecosystem. They are important pollinators. They also are a food source for birds, bats, fish, and frogs. Then there are the health effects (both acute and chronic) on humans and animals. You can read more here but of course you can google around too.
The Group Rate (new customers only)
Spray Packages
1/2 Acre -
3 treatments $216 +tax (normally $240)
4 treatments $288 +tax (normally $320)
3 treatments will cover you until the week of Aug 22.
4 treatments will cover you until Labor Day.
1/2 Acre -
3 treatments $216 +tax (normally $240)
4 treatments $288 +tax (normally $320)
3 treatments will cover you until the week of Aug 22.
4 treatments will cover you until Labor Day.
Pricing Transparency
- We, at Glen Rock Group Rate, always ask the service providers/vendors to provide us with a discount that is ABOVE AND BEYOND any of their current offers. If you happen to see another offer (either online, in a newspaper, in a coupon book, etc) please let us know.
- We understand that when an estimate is required, that a service provider/vendor may "pad" that estimate so you are not getting the real % off that we are claiming. Please note that we talk about this concern with EVERY company and we do not move forward with a group rate unless that company assures us they will not submit false estimates. As a customer it is your right to get multiple estimates from a variety of service provider/vendors and we recommend you do so.
Group rates on this website are arranged for residents of Glen Rock. If you live outside of Glen Rock and you want to participate contact the company to see if you too can qualify for the rate.
All information on this Web site regarding products and services is subject to change without notice. Reasonable efforts are taken to ensure the accuracy and integrity of all information provided here, but Glen Rock Group Rate is not responsible for misprints, out-of-date information, or errors. Glen Rock Group Rate makes no warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any information contained on this Web site.
All information on this Web site regarding products and services is subject to change without notice. Reasonable efforts are taken to ensure the accuracy and integrity of all information provided here, but Glen Rock Group Rate is not responsible for misprints, out-of-date information, or errors. Glen Rock Group Rate makes no warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any information contained on this Web site.